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Lunar Crater Eratostenes
LPOD - 2005-02-27 - Lunar Photo of the Day - [ Traduzca esta página ]
One Crater’s Nomenclature. Lunar
nomenclature is such a trivial bugaboo. ... of the lettered craters
associated with just one crater - Eratosthenes.
... - 14k - |
LPOD - Lunar Photo of the Day - June 26, 2004 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Copernicus is the exemplar of a large complex crater. There are a few dozen other relatively fresh Copernicus-like craters on the lunar nearside - and a ... 2004/06/LPOD-2004-06-26.htm - 9k -En caché - Páginas similares
Club Photo Gallery - Regina Centre - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Lunar Crater Eratosthenes observed with a
102mm achromatic refractor at f/10, using 200x magnification. A Moon
filter and MV20 filter were used in tandem. ... - 18k - |
Ingenious - [ Traduzca esta página ]
picture number:10321828 Title:The lunar
crater 'Eratosthenes', 1851. The lunar crater
'Eratosthenes', 1851. Spacer image ... ?target=SeeMedium&ObjectID=%7B634F14C3-79D8-64E0-7FB0... - 15k - |
Ingenious - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Made in 1851, this model is an electrotype copy of a plaster replica of the Moon's surface centred on the crater Eratosthenes. Framed in a wooden case it ... ?target=SeeLarge&ObjectID=%7B634F14C3-79D8-64E0-7FB0-... - 14k -En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]
Lunar Images II - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The crater Eratosthenes (58km) is at the
end of the chain (lower right) and the Stadius depresion below and to the
right of it.(05/02/01) ... - 18k - |
Lunar Images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
In this lunar phase the slope faces the sun which lights it up. To the left is Rima Rima, a rile about 50km long. The small crater at the southern ... - 24k -En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]
Universe Today - What's Up This Week - March 6 - March 12, 2006 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Tonight will be the perfect opportunity to find
the lunar crater named for Fraunhofer. ... geographer and
astronomer Eratosthenes, this splendid crater will
... publish/whatsup_mar6_2006.html?532006 - 24k - |
Section 32 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Image - Stadius crater chain (Genovese).
LUNAR ORBITER IMAGES: Lunar Orbiter Database Aestuum, Sinus
Eratosthenes, 58 km Gambart, 25 km Insularum, Mare
... - 7k - |
Timocharus - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Bright rays from the crater Copernicus are visible on the surface of Mare Imbrium under high ... Image - Eratosthenes (Massey). LUNAR ORBITER IMAGES: ... - 7k -En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]
anapr96 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Crater drawing by Peter Grego made using
a 60 mm refractor. ... and uncontrollably, eventually forcing a
crash 300 km south of the crater Eratosthenes. ... - 14k - |
ft112 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Between 1919 and 1924 Pickering closely studied the crater Eratosthenes and noted ... But one of the weirdest images to have been returned from the lunar ... - 33k -En caché - Páginas similares
Moon Society: Lunar Study and Observing Certificate - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Crater Eratosthenes: Excellent example of
a complex crater from the Eratosthenian Period. ... By
Charles A. Wood of the Lunar Photo of the Day ... - 46k - |
[PDF] Lunar Study and Observing Certificate Program
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Crater Eratosthenes: Excellent example of a complex crater from the Eratosthenian ... Note that part of the ejecta can still be seen (see Photo Gallery). ... -Páginas similares
lunar domes Uai lunar section - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Gambart is found approximately 300 km to South
of Eratosthenes crater. ... drawings, photos, video
and CCD images of lunar domes (please provide date and
... - 38k - |
lunar domes Uai lunar section - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Lunar Age: 9g. PHOTO eyepiece projection Plossl TeleVue 10.5 milimeter (F72) ... Gambart is found approximately 300 km to South of Eratosthenes crater. ... - 27k -En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]
ASTR 130, O'CONNELL. LUNAR TOPOGRAPHY - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The crater just visible edge-on on the
lunar horizon at the lower right is Copernicus. The hills at the
left of Eratosthenes are the eastern end of the ... oconnell/astr130/moontop-130.html - 12k - |
Video images of Moon, Mar 25, 1999 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
They later used these pictures to measure the
heights of lunar mountains, and the depth of lunar craters.
The skies were clear, ... The crater Eratosthenes.
... ritobs/mar25_1999/mar25_1999.html - 4k - |
Lunar - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The Appeninus mts enter the picture from the
upper left, and terminate at the crater Eratosthenes, above and to
the right of Copernicus. ... - 9k - |
PAO's Astroimaging - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The large crater centered above the mountain range is Archimedes and the slightly smaller one at the lower right end of the range is Eratosthenes. ... - 4k -En caché - Páginas similares
The Moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Here are my Lunar images, newest images
on top, older further down. ... Eratosthenes.jpg
Eratosthenes.jpg 12.06 KB, The crater Eratosthenes (diameter
85km), ... - 21k - |
Webshots - Images of Lunar Photography - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Browse and download outstanding professional
photos! ... Lunar Photography Craters, Cresents, and
all things moon ... Crater Eratosthenes - 3.29.04
... - 45k - |
. - [ Traduzca esta página ]
It's centered on the lunar crater
Copernicus (93 km diameter). Below and to the left is the crater
Eratosthenes (58 km diameter). ... - 37k - |
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en HTML was not afforded of the morphology of a particular lunar crater or other feature. ... such as Alphonsus, Aristarchus, Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Kepler, ... - |
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Coordinator, Lunar Topographical Studies. Eratosthenes is a splendid crater located quite near the center of the lunar disc (14.5N 11.3W). Easily ... -Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]
Eight Day Moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The maximum altitude of the Sun as seen from the
lunar surface here is about 25°. The combination of this and the
crater's considerable depth mean that the ... - 9k - |
Unmanned > Soviet Lunar Images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
They cover a narrow strip from just south of
Aristarchus (where these images of Ted's are) through crater
Eratosthenes into northern Mare Tranquillitatis. ... lofiversion/index.php/t1106.html - 46k - |
MoonView software for viewing/registering lunar images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
c to toggle crater outlines g to find a
crater by name q to assume a Lunar Orbiter image (click for
details) r to toggle the red registration marks t to ... - 17k - |
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PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión
en HTML Here are a few URLs of Web sites with photo's of the moon: ... Lunar Craters 506 Ver 3.0 10/4/99. 506-4. Eratosthenes and Copernicus. Craters ... extended/PDFs/Gr5PDFs/506CRATRS.pdf - |
The Grand Canyon and the Moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Mare materials are mostly Imbrian, that is, they
belong to the time between the Imbrian event and the emplacement of the
crater Eratosthenes. ... - 42k - |
Lunar features - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Be warned that the list of lunar crater
names is large (about 600K). You can see the features by clicking on the
(*) next to a name. ... history/Societies/LunarFeatures0.html - 69k - |
Lunar features - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Be warned that the list of lunar crater names is very large (about 600K). You can see the features by clicking on the (*) next to a name. ... ~history/Societies/LunarFeatures_old.html - 68k -En caché - Páginas similares
What's Up?, by Al Schumann - [ Traduzca esta página ]
There is a nice crater,
Eratosthenes, at the western end of the Apennines ...
Lunar Day 11. I had a nice view of Kepler. Aristarchus also showed
up well. ... - 8k - |
Scott's Astronomy Photos - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Moon, Region around crater Eratosthenes.
Taken Aug 27, 2001, ... Moon, Lunar photo taken with 8"
LX200 and a ToUCam Pro webcam at prime focus. ... astro/Images/astro_photos.htm - 7k - |
East Valley Astronomy Club - EVAC Lunar Observing Program - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Proclus, Small, deep crater with
extensive lunar rays ... Eratosthenes, Impressive
walled plain at the end of the Apennine Mountains ... - 31k - |
Walter H. Haas Papers, 1935-2002 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
21:8, Lunar Changes in the Crater
Eratosthenes ... 40:9, Lunar Surface Photos by
Surveyor VI. 40:10, Lunar Photographs by EK White
... nmlcu1%23ms0399/nmlcu1%23ms0399_m7.html - 49k - |
Peter Lloyd's Latest Lunar Pictures - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Copernicus with a link to a mosaic including
Eratosthenes. Moon Day 9.8. Montes Archimedes are a small range of
hills south of the crater Archimedes. ... - 11k - |
Peter Lloyd's Lunar Pictures (NW) - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Hadley, These are the Lunar Apennine Mountains, south-east of the crater ... Eratosthenes to Kuiper, A mosaic of three pictures of the area south of ... - 17k -En caché - Páginas similares
[ Más resultados de ]
Lesson 8 - The Lunar Landscape - [ Traduzca esta página ]
This crater marks the beginning (or the
end) of the Altai Scarp - not labeled in the photo but it's obvious
running north towards Catharina. ... - 27k - |
Lunar Certificate - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Crater Eratosthenes: Excellent example of
a complex crater from the Eratosthenian ... secondaries can
be seen in the surrounding region (see Photo Gallery)
... - 27k - |
Lunar Features - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The crater Eratosthenes lies at the end of the Apennine mountain range. The Apennines are really the ... Lunar north is at is at the top of this photo. ... - 5k -En caché - Páginas similares
Lunar Images Taken With a Digital Camera. - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Target: Ray structure around the crater
Copernicus. Optics: C-8 with 25 mm Brandon eyepiece and max camera zoom.
Features: a) Copernicus, b) Eratosthenes, ... - 7k - |
High Resolution Lunar & Planetary Images From Singapore by Tan Wei ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Lunar image of the 13th Day moon. The
bright crater aristarchus, ... eratosthenes area -
imaged on 25th March 2002 through the Celestron C11 at F/22 with
... - 15k - |
Lunar anomalies - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Many of the photos showed Moon anomalies
that Leonard and others claimed could ... In this recent revival of
lunar anomalies investigation, the crater Ukert
... - 15k - |
3towers Observatory Moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Lunar Feature, Lunar Age in days
(rounded down), Thumbnail Image, Comments. Albategnius, 8 days,
Albategnius is the crater with the smaller crater Klein on
... - 103k - |
Kenyon College - Physics - Astronomy - Showcase Picture Gallery - [ Traduzca esta página ]
CCD image of the Moon, showing the crater
Eratosthenes on the southern ... Digitized photograph of
lunar eclipse in March, 1997. (Photo by Karina Leppik.)
... - 10k - |
Astrophotos & CCD Images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Eratosthenes, Montes Apenninus:,
Lunar detail in the area of Eratosthenes and Montes
Apenninus taken through a Tak CN-212 with ST-7. Lunar Detail of
Crater ... - 13k - |
Moon Watching - [ Traduzca esta página ]
What Is a Lunar Eclipse? ... South
of this, almost in the middle of the Moon is a crater chain
consisting of ... Northeast of Copernicus is Eratosthenes. .
... events/lunar-2003/moonwatching.html - 16k - |
The lunar region to south of the
Eratosthenes crater. It is visible along the terminator line. .
last10.JPG (152513 byte), - 2001-05-02 UT 18,50-19,10: ... - 21k - |
About Eratosthenes crater, this has a diameter of 60 km and is encircled by high ... On the bottom of sinus Aestuum long undulations of the lunar ground are ... - 17k -En caché - Páginas similares
The Full Moon Atlas - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Archimedes is the large crater near the
top of the sector, while Eratosthenes is the dominant crater
at the tail-end of the Apenninus chain. ... - 20k - |
Lunar Republic : Craters - [ Traduzca esta página ]
(Designation of crater removed by the International Astronomical Union in ... Also conceived the "Sieve of Eratosthenes," a method of identifying prime ... - 53k -En caché - Páginas similares
[PDF] 06_Moon Litho.indd
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en HTML taris, Imbrium, Eratosthenes, and Copernicus. Lunar history is. carved up into time segments associated with the date of each. crater. A Copernican feature ... - |
IceInSpace - Australian Amateur Astronomy, News and Forums ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The September feature is the large crater
Copernicus (#5 on the Lunar 100) ... the crater
Eratosthenes which is best seen one day after the first quarter.
...,226,0,0,1,0 - 60k - |
ROBINSON LUNAR OBSERVATORY - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Robinson Lunar Observatory. ...
Crater Eratosthenes 06/25/96 10" f6.3 @ 92x ...
Crater Macrobius 06/21/96 0:57UT 10" f6.3 @ 92x/128x
... - 4k - |
Planetary Science Module Summary Page 5 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Eratosthenes: The First Person to Measure
Earth, • Prove Earth is round. ... Origin of the Moon Simulation, •
The Controversy about Lunar Crater Formation ... foss/scope/folio/html/PlanetaryScience/5.html - 20k - |
Lunar Web Page - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Caucasus Mountains, Eratosthenes and
Apennine Mountains ... Imbrium_Plato_widefield.gif (49769 bytes).
crater Plato, Mare Imbrium/crater Plato wide-field
... - 8k - |
Astronomical League - Lunar Club Project - [ Traduzca esta página ]
But sent back some of the most incredible
photos before it bit the lunar dust! ... The last
crater I view at power is Bullialdus. Its' A and B craters are
... - 17k - |
Images from EMU Sherzer Observatory - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Lunar craters Copernicus and
Eratosthenes 10-inch apo refractor telescope / ST-8 CCD ...
Lunar Images Crater Copernicus. Appenine Mountains.
Crater Clavius ... - 5k - |
Courses in Astrophotography - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Close to the lunar crater Riener, lies
one of the Moon's oddest features. ... Eratosthenes. A 125km
crater that formed some 3.2 billion years ago. ... - 53k - |
Untitled Document - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Crater Eratosthenes. 10. Rilles. 11.
Astronaut with Lunar rover. 12. Lunar surface showing the
multiplicity of terrain. We are able to see a surface marked
... science/astronomy_lunar_descriptions.htm - 32k - |
Anthony Jennings - Web Pages - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Moon - Copernicus, MARE INSULARUM,
Eratosthenes & Other Craters ... directly above the
lunar surface, Aristarchus Crater- rectified Colour
Saturated Image ... - 22k - |
Listing - [ Traduzca esta página ]
This was one of the clearest lunar
eclipses ever observed, ... Robert & Elizabeth Price near
Bethanga Victoria reported crater timings and images,
... - 46k - |
Astrophotography [Archive] - Bad Astronomy and Universe Today Forum - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The Stöffler Lunar Sunrise Crater
Ray, 2005/2/16 · The Hipparchus Lunar Sunrise Crater Ray,
2005/2/16 · NGC 2017 (Struve 3780) · M42 Through a 5" f/5
... - 19k - |
Moon Terminator - Sat 20 Nov 2004 [Archive] - Bad Astronomy and ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Rupus Recta (The Straight Wall), one of the most famous lunar faults, ... The large, deep, circular crater Eratosthenes lies at the right of Montes ... - 8k -En caché - Páginas similares
Gene Smith's Brief History of Astronomy - [ Traduzca esta página ]
A lunar crater bears his name in
recognition of his accomplishments. ... a method for finding prime
numbers called Eratosthenes' Sieve, and estimated the
... - 30k - |
CCD Images from a Galilean Telescope - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Left: The lunar highlands, with Clavius
prominent as the large crater ... The Montes Apenninus are
seen curving out from Eratosthenes near the bottom.
... - 34k - |
Howard Schickler Fine Art / New York / Rare Books / Space and ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Finely printed full page
photo-illustrations bound in. ... which serves as a
frontispiece, is of the lunar surface in the region of the
crater Eratosthenes. ... - 31k - |
... espectáculo sobrecogedor cuando el
terminador está en las cercanías del cráter Eratosthenes.
... LPOD: Lunar Photo of the Day · Photographic Moon Book
... - 19k - |
Siguiendo hacia el sur nos encontramos con Eratosthenes, justo donde termina la cordillera de los Montes Apenninus. En el fondo del cráter hay una montaña ... - 23k -En caché - Páginas similares
Formato de archivo:
PDF/Adobe Acrobat Compare photos to maps. • Maps in everyday use. ... Eratosthenes: The First Person to. Measure Earth ... The Controversy about Lunar Crater. Formation ... pdfs/Planetary_Science_Overview.pdf - |
Nysted Youth School Astronomy Class. - [ Traduzca esta página ]
From our participating in the EAAE
Eratosthenes experiment we know, that the circumference ...
Measuring on the previous March 24 1997 Lunar Eclipse Photos
... - 9k - |
Lunar observing report February 29th, 2004 - [ Traduzca esta página ]
This is 110km long lunar fault with a
height that varies between 240 and 300 meters. Right to the west of Rupes
Recta lies the crater Birt, with Birt A on ... solar/moon/2004_02_29/20040229.html - 17k - |
Geokem - Lunar Basalts - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Michael Light terms the ejecta from the Camelot
Crater "basalts" but his rescanned pic ... Some records
claim 1.8 million photos were taken during the Lunar
... - 36k - |
MOONGATE - [ Traduzca esta página ]
and) a geometric object shaped like a cross, in
the lunar crater Eratosthenes. In the lunar crater Gassendi
are angular lines, and on the floor of the ... - 53k - |
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en HTML photos of the Copernicus crater central peak, floor,. walls and rim, and proximal ejecta facies ... vicinity of Copernicus and Eratosthenes craters based ... - |
Ingo Swann | - [ Traduzca esta página ]
A Lunar Orbiter IV photo (No. LO
IV 89-H-3) depicts a large, cigar-shaped object reflecting light while
sitting on the surface near the crater Romer. ... - 14k - |
Weasner's Meade ETX Guest Gallery - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The second is of the crater Petavius and
it's surrounding area. ... See the Guest Lunar Archive 2005
for photos posted in August 2005. ... - 17k - |
Planets and Comets - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Here are a collection of astro photos by
Andrew Lindsay and Andrew Bennett:. Perseid Meteor Sun Spots Partial
Lunar Eclipse Moon Moon crater Eratosthenes
... - 6k - |
Baton Rouge Astronomical Society: Member Astrophotos - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Download image, Eratosthenes Crater, GIF
image 222KB ... Multiple exposure of the November 8th, 2003
Lunar Eclipse from 7:00 PM to 7:48 PM CST. ... - 43k - |
Eratosthenes Domes: an overview and classification - [ Traduzca esta página ]
By Raffaello Lena, KC Pau and Brendan Shaw -
Geologic Lunar Research group. ... we discuss the domes near
Eratosthenes, a well-known crater located near the
... - 11k - |
[PDF] The ALPO Lunar Section: Selected Areas Program
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en HTML morphology of a particular lunar crater or other feature. Fortunately, amateur observers were ... Aristarchus, Eratosthenes, Herodotus, Kepler, Messier- ... - |
[PDF] Instructor Lab Manual for ACUMEN LunarLab
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en HTML philosopher Eratosthenes was able to calculate the radius of the Earth ... When we look at the Moon, the shadow of a lunar mountain or crater will always ... Instructor%20Lab%20Manual%20for%20ACUMEN%20LunarLab.pdf - |
[PDF] LUNAR ORBITER: Digitization and Cartographic Processing. LR Gaddis ...
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en HTML these data extends from Eratosthenes crater on the west to Mare Serenitatis ... Gaddis et al., 2001, Cartograhic processing of digital Lunar Orbiter Data, ... Flagstaff2001/abstracts/isprs_etm_OCT01_gaddis_lunar_orbiter.pdf - |
Lunar Eclipse - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Lunar Observing Hopkins Phoenix
Observatory. 7812 West Clayton Drive Phoenix, AZ 85033-2439 ...
Eratosthenes Crater and Apennine Mountains 30 January 2004
... - 15k - |
Planet & Lunar Drawings - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Drawing - Eratosthenes Region - 150 x 150
- green/red filter error=purple ... Today, there's a lunar
crater named after him, and this is it. ... - 34k - |
Astro Images - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Sinus Aestuum, Mare Vaporum, Sinus Medii,
craters Eratosthenes and Manilius ... Crater
Copernicus on 5/2/01 (this is the highest resolution lunar image
I've ... - 48k - |
Plato crater - Factbites - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Plato is one of the most prominent Lunar
features, lying at 52N lat. It should also be noted that I made ...
The crater is more sharp than in above photo.
... - 51k - |
Moon Gallery - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Gallery of Lunar Images, taken with
Fresno State's Campus Observatory ... Eratosthenes crater,
at the south end of the Apennine mountains, 2003 October 17
... - 10k - |
Jeff Burton's Astronomy Blog - [ Traduzca esta página ]
354, 02:56, Eratosthenes, ---, In the
114mm reflector at 121x with the 7.5mm eyepiece, Eratosthenes
appears as a circular shaped crater with well defined,
... - 20k - |
Lunar features - [ Traduzca esta página ]
About 300 mathematicians have lunar
features (mostly craters) named after them. ... Be warned that the
list of lunar crater names is very large (about 600K)
... Societies/LunarFeatures.html - 46k - |
Multi-Alignment Point processing with Registax - Forums - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The photo on the left is the original
bitmap after "normal" Registax processing. ... a different
alignment feature (say, the small crater at upper right).
... - 53k - |
Mall Astrophotography - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Maybe I'll do better on a stiller night. Anyway,
here is a shot of a mountainous region including the crater
Eratosthenes:. Lunar shot 1 ... - 5k - |
Life on the Moon - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community - [ Traduzca esta página ]
scientists say after studying the pictures of
lunar cities and ... South of the Mare Imbrium in which Pico
is situated, there is the crater Eratosthenes. ... - 95k - |
[PDF] Venus Approaching
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en HTML bringing some photos of a 1973 transit ... will find some recent lunar photos that ... crater Stadius just south of. Eratosthenes. On Wednesday, Stadius ... - |
PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway: Search/Browse Results - [ Traduzca esta página ]
The Observatory's website contains a collection
of data including occultation and lunar sunrise / sunset
crater ray observations and predictions. ... pl?limit=75&subject=525&toplevel=astronomy - 31k - | | Artificial objects on the moon - [ Traduzca esta página ]
is deserved by the crane boom shown above
Crater Eratosthenes. ... dreadfully wrong with the
"official" lunar photos and explanations foisted off on us.
... and_moon_mountains/moondom2.html - 42k - |
Paul's Astropage - Eng Webcam - [ Traduzca esta página ]
A great picture of some beautiful lunar
mountain shadows. ... The prominent crater
Eratosthenes has nice terrace shaped walls and central mountains
(58 ... - 110k - |
Abigail Morgan: Lunar Heights Lab Instructions - [ Traduzca esta página ]
You will need at least one photo showing
a limb (edge of the Moon) taken using the same settings as the other
... 3. Eratosthenes, 11.3 W, 14.5 N, 3.5mm
... Java/Tools/Lunar/HeightsLab/index.html - 10k - |
Астронет > One Crater’s Nomenclature
Lunar nomenclature is such a trivial
bugaboo. It is trivial in the sense that it ... of the lettered
craters associated with just one crater - Eratosthenes.
... - 21k - |
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Lunar Crater Eratostenes
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